Sunday, July 1, 2018



In divine reality, time  and space doesn’t exist.. Matter doesn’t exist..  Its only formless - energy in the eternal NOW. There is no point of reference.

With the human experience, incidents that occur on a linear manner has formed a sense of past present and future..

If we examine what’s past present and future..
Past is considered those memories that depict incidents that has taken place in only image form. Whilst one is seated here cannot see the past incident taking place  right now physically. However it’s a memory with all tones of reality, including the emotions felt are seemingly real.If we catch that moment observing  of that particular memory , we would understand that ,that particular event is NOT taking place in the physical but in the beyond physical.

Therefore in the NOW , while we are seated in one place, in a particular environment, lets say you are seated in your bedroom on your bed, and that is the NOW.. whist seated if you let your mind wonder loose, it will take you a journey into images of memory , of incidents that had taken place, parts of movies, tv images .. just random images flashing in front of you.. And you have not moved physically at all..

The same is with the future.. when we make plans for tomorrow or a future date, we enter the possible images of that particular event or situation. And we are ignited with emotion in anticipation. However, once again this is experienced in the NOW..

We are Divine or  4th dimensional Being.. In other words,  a no physical Being occupying a physical form. For the purpose of trial and error while we practice the Art of Imagination.

Its at this point I am glad to declare that You and I are not the physical body that we carry around , neither the mind that gather information via the 5 senses. We are occupants of this body. And we have allowed to experience our selves individually .
So lets get this straight.

Man’s body is the Wonderful Human Imagination .That is Man and nothing else.
Hence, Imagination is occupying this body.

You can test this yourself.

If you would observe for few moments, as to how you function. What’s the function that is happening rapidly between your both ears?

When you read this, how do you perceive the words printed here?
When you are in a discussion with someone, what happens during the act of listening ?

Sometimes you would say, I didn’t understand a word he /she said?
Or you may say,” I was not listening”?

When the other speaks, how do you listen?
Don’t you experience the emotion and the images that you bring up ?

You picture to experience what the other person is saying isn’t it?

Then can we declare that, we are our Own Imagination?

Yes we can. If you would now onwards, watch yourself and your functions. You will start to observe that everything you think of , or muster up to say to someone is and will be first imagined.

Hence, whatever memory that you are experiencing at this moment, is not something that has happened in the past, and you are lightly reviewing it.. Its not.
When you bring up a memory from the past to your mind’s eye at this very moment, you are re-living that memory all over again , NOW !And its no more a memory, its renewed and refreshed now and once again becomes an experienced memory now flown away to mirror the same in the physical world.

That brings to our next point..
Even though we re-view a memory , its doesn’t recede into the past.. its now more strengthened and fresh enough to orchestrate the events and things to mirror the same physically.. It must.. that is the law of  consciousness.

Because whatever you are conscious of being, since its beyond time and matter, it doesn’t differentiate if the experience conscious of , is ,if its good bad or indifferent. NOW is the time.. when you experience a memory or an experience you want to have in your imagination , you are conscious of being that ,now.. and if you had felt the experience with emotions.. The same experience or what you were conscious of being will now start to manifest into the physical world..
Its only then we are reminded of the images we consciously or unconsciously gave life to in our imagination..

And now we arrive to the main event.
The Imagination that we function in and from is God Himself.. Therefore you are GOD. If I ask you, who is reading this, you will answer “I am”.. that is God’s name.. And that is your name.. Since we are told that creation is finished.. There is no-thing more to create… It’s in the “possibility” form but not in phsycial form (all of them)…. Hence we are told, “All things are possible for the one who believes”..
Therefore, to bring the possibility into physical form, it requires a Believer /God.. all things are possible ONLY to God.. And You are Him!!.. Unless you claim that “I am He, you shall die in your sins)… when you say I am.. That’s God. And you are Him. And it’s possible only for you/God, to call the unseen to the world of the seen (physical).

How do we call the image, the unseen possibility into the physical?

By assuming (pretending) that you are the person you want to be or you have the thing you want to have.

When you are informed that, all things are possible for you if you believe. That you can have anything you want. That it’s already available. And it requires consciousness to manifest. When you are aware of all these information, you may want to know further clarifications as to why do I have to put in effort to discipline my mind to sustain belief?

Here is the reason why ,
The possibility that you are aiming for is one dimension, it’s in raw energy form .And by practicing having that particular thing or the experience in your imagination, and you have isolated that possibility. AT the same time you have to offer that imagined possibility, human parentage. And that is by emotion by feeling. Because the physical world is made out of matter. Matter gives form to the imagined possibility. For the matter to move into formation to manifest that possibility that you have isolated, it requires instructions. When we are feeling of having or being the person, and when we sustain the same, the instructions are passed out to the physical so that the matter can get to work to form that possibility as an experience physically.. Now this happens in a subtle and in a complex way. Which a human mind cannot comprehend even a minute part of the process. As so many parts are played in such atomic level, it’s similar to an orchestra, only many many times bigger.

The possibility that we isolated with our imagination is transferred to the physical only when we match that Image with the feeling.. it’s the feeling via our heart generated electro-magnetic waves that gathers the matter to give form to the experience.   (for more information read up on hearthmath institute )

As any art or skill or mastering an instrument or tool requires persistent practice. Acquiring the knowledge itself is a lengthy process or rather takes much time, due to the distractions with daily life. Gathering knowledge is one thing, and putting them to practice is another. And practicing the knowledge gained is the important stuff. As with anything, at the beginng it seems difficult, as riding a bicycle or learning to drive a car. It seems all complicated and difficult. Because we are using our conscious mind to learn. To perfect it, new neuron paths have to form to call out relevant muscles/tissues  etc to balance and execute the desired output.. A whole lot of work goes in the background.. the beauty is that, when you persist in practicing, it becomes effortless and easy. After while you don’t give it any conscious effort as you did in your first few days. You must practice.

Neville Goddard, introduced a wonderful technique,and that is to REVISE your day. At the end of the day , you recall all the incidents that took place.You only observe them.. secondly , rewrite the day as it should have been for you.. Thirdly, you relive the day as you have rewritten. First few days it seems hard… But like any other skill, over sometime, you master it. The bonus is that, you will see a change in your life as well.. you will experience what you prefer than blindly living each day.

You only have NOW…. Therefore, if you want to see different pleasant results, you must do things differently.. Imagination is the only way to do it.

During the day be watchful as to what you unconsciously imagine of the past or about yourself or of others.
When an unpleasant memory comes up, revise it immediately to what you prefer it to be.The moment you revise it in the NOW, you will encounter what you revise in the future – NOW.


Phaul De Silva
 1st of July 2018

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